Faculty Profile

Ryan Doan, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ryan Doan, PhD is the principal investigator of the Doan lab. He completed his BS in Cell Biology and Biochemistry at Bucknell University his PhD in Genetics within Dr. Scott Dindot’s lab at Texas A&M University, and a Clinical Molecular Genetics fellowship at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. In graduate school, he developed novel tools for analyses of coding and noncoding regions for traits and diseases in multiple species, including cattle, horses, sheep, and dogs. He performed some of the first exome focused CGH arrays for copy number analyses and whole genome sequencing in cattle and horses. As a post-doctoral fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital, he collaborated with international consortia to study coding and noncoding causes of autism spectrum disorder, while also developing sequencing methods for analyses of germline and somatic mutations in neurological disorders. He joined Boston Children’s Hospital as an Instructor in Pediatrics in 2019 where he started his own independent research group, while also maintaining a clinical genetics role in the Department of Pathology at Brigham & Women’s Hospital.


Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women's Hospital